공지사항 Notice

2022 Smart City Entrepreneurship Idea Contest Hackathon

페이지 정보

조회 677회 작성일 22-09-30 14:00


2022 Smart City Entrepreneurship Hackathon 

10.28(FRI) ~10.29(SAT)


 Participation Category

Participate in a Smart City entrepreneurship idea contest

- Category 1: Business in a Smart City

Bringing new business ideas through innovative technology within a Smart City

- Category 2: Smart City Oriented Innovative Industry

Extracting business idea that has innovative growth through the relieve of regulation in a Smart City

Resolve existing issues of businesses and start-ups through new ideas.


*This Hackathon contest is held with the support of the Smart City Innovative Human Resources Development Project(2019~2023) by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport(MOLIT).



Seoul National University Smart City Engineering Graduate Students / Undergraduate Students

(You can participate as a team regardless of your major. However, a graduate student majoring in smart city engineering is required in the team)


 Participation Registration

Reception Period: 2022.8.26(FRI) ~10.25(TUE)  



Seoul National University. SNUSR (Seoul National University Social Responsibility) Building NO.153 2nd floor



Total prize of 8 million won

- Grand award: 3 million won (1 team)

- Excellence award: 2 million won (1 team)

- Encouragement award: 1 million won (3 teams)

*Tax will be deducted from the total prize


▶ How to apply

Register through Google Form



▶ Contact us

E-mail: qsimtech@snu.ac.kr

Tel: 02-880-9082






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