2019년도 국토교통부와 국토교통과학기술진흥원(KAIA)가 지원하는 스마트시티 혁신인재육성사업 수행대학으로 선정됨에 따라 (2019년~2023년),
스마트시티 산업계의 수요를 반영한 특성화 교육으로 산업 활성화 및 해외 진출에 필요한 핵심 전문인력 양성을 추진할 계획이다.
핵심 전문 인력양성을 위해 건설환경공학부 스마트도시공학 전공을 신설하였으며 7개 학부(과)(건설환경공학부, 컴퓨터공학부, 건축학과 등)
참여교수 소속의 다양성을 활용하여학부과정의 연계를 강화하였다. * 참여교수 추후확대 예정
(02) 880-4115 38동 403호
- 자율주행자동차
- 로봇인공지능
- 디지털제조
I am an Associate Professor of Graduate School of Engineering Practice, Adjunct Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Adjunct Professor of Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program, Adjunct Professor of Transdisciplinary Graduate Program in Smart City Global Convergence, Advisory professor of Study of Ludus and Culture major, and Study of Future major in College of Liberal Studies, Co-director of Center for Humane AI, and Director of Autonomous Robot Intelligence Lab (자율로봇지능 연구실), Seoul National University. My ultimate research goal is to build an artificial life on the shoulders of an artificial body and intelligence whose application includes future urban mobility, robot AI, and digital fabrication. To achieve the goal, all my focus and energies are geared towards not only academic research, but also building lectures, education system, space, environment, and industry-university collaboration. I have been involved in building up the Haedong Idea Factory from scratch.
Gwanak-ro1 · Gwanak-gu · Seoul · 08826 · Korea
tel. 82-2-880-7416
fax. 82-2-873-2684
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