Faculty People

Selected as the university to carry out the Innovative Human Resources Development project for Smart City in 2019 (from 2019 to 2023) by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA), Seoul National University plans to carry forward the training of core professionals necessary for industrial revitalization and expansion to the overseas market with the specialized education program reflecting the need of the smart city industry. In order to train the core professionals, we have newly set up the Smart City Engineering Program in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and enhanced the linkage with the undergraduate courses by utilizing diversity of the participating professors of seven Departments (Dept. of the Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dept. of the Computer Science and Engineering, Dept. of the Architecture and Architectural Engineering, etc.). *The number of participating professors will be increased in the future.

Seongsoo Hong Professor

Real-Time Operating Systems Laboratory

82+2-880-8370 133-507

The goal of our lab is to develop practical system software design technology based on solid theoretical background knowledge and apply it to actual industry. For this goal, we study basic system software components such as operating system and middleware, and integrate them at higher layer by design methodology according to domain and requirement to make various technical contribution across industrial software.
Our lab is actively conducting academic and practical research on a system software such as programming language and runtime development for real-time embedded AI application, Linux kernel-level resource management technology for Real-Time Embedded AI, scheduler for embedded systems, and development of various kernel optimization technologies.

The core competitiveness that enables services used by tens to hundreds of millions of users, such as YouTube, Google, and Kakaotalk, is system software technology. System software enables various services on the latest hardware to be faster, consume less energy, and perform more reliably and securely from unexpected external attacks. Specifically, it includes operating system technology for hardware resource management on a single system, compiler and software platform technology that supports the development of various services, distributed system technology that helps to solve the scalability problem, and artificial intelligence and big data systems.

Gwanak-ro1 · Gwanak-gu · Seoul · 08826 · Korea | tel. 82-2-880-9082 | fax. 82-2-873-2684
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